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Cyber Security

When we used to talk about cyber security it was always about anti-virus. Sadly, the world has moved on and security now is a wraparound of both products and education. As cyber security consultants, we know the risk is everywhere and hackers are continually shifting the goalposts meaning that businesses must be alert to threats both existing and new. Technology can help but it is not infallible – the “human factor” being the most likely exploitation for the hacker.

NetVector can help with many years of experience in IT security, based in Kent, serving businesses throughout the UK. Below are some of the areas we specialise in.

Endpoint Security

NetVector partners with many leading-edge endpoint protection vendors such as ESET and Sophos to protect devices from viruses and malware. Traditional anti-virus has moved on leaps and bounds from the original concept of scanning files using virus definition updates and now includes functionality like:

Advanced heuristic analysis to detect viruses not yet know about
Sandboxing environments to “detonate” potential malware before releasing it to the end user
Protection against crypto lock viruses and rollback of data
Advanced reporting to centralised cloud platforms monitored and managed by us
Secure, restrict and protect access of end user devices such as USB sticks

NetVector can provide Endpoint security on a simple low-cost monthly arrangement where you pay for the devices protected with no long-term commitments.

Firewall Security

Firewall security is key to protecting your network and for allowing safe and secure remote access to systems for your staff.

Advanced firewall security to scan and block potentially dangerous content from entering your network via continually updated security subscription services
Centralised monitoring and management
Safe and secure remote access via SSL VPN services and web browsers
Content filtering and reporting to ensure your staff are focused on your business when accessing the internet.

Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing

How do you know your network is secure? What if you are running services such as PDQ machines to take money via credit and debit cards – are you safe? These are some of the questions being asked by our customers.

NetVector can provide a full security analysis of your environment using our vulnerability scanning and penetration testing tools, this can be done as a one-off report or set to a regular scan to ensure you are always in control. We can analyse and rectify areas that need improvement and help restrict access to only the systems that are required.

Email Security Services

The biggest and most likely delivery mechanism for malware, phishing attacks and viruses is email. We are bombarded daily with fake requests for “verifying our credentials”, strange voicemail messages we must click on, emails with important but suspicious attachments. Scanning email and stripping out these dangerous messages is imperative for most businesses, but the hackers have got wise and are developing ever more sophisticated techniques to get around the security.

Email security services have never been more important which is why NetVector will setup and implement the following:

Entry and exit email scanning services for viruses and malware
Fully integrated cloud application security for Office 365 – ensure that all your applications that involve data transfer – such as within Teams or Sharepoint – is scanned and protected
Clever phishing detection systems that will spot potential hacks and alert you
Sandboxing environments to “detonate” potential malware before releasing it to the end user
Correct setup of DKIM/DMARC and SPF records so your email reputation is protected and safe from external attack
Multi-Factor Authentication – to stop password compromise leading to email hacking and user impersonation.
User education – training on how to spot potential threats and phishing attacks
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